United Airlines Flight Plummets 28,000 Feet in 10 Minutes After Pressurization Issue

A United Airlines flight bound for Rome returned to New Jersey just after midnight Thursday “to address a possible loss of cabin pressure,” according to a statement from the airline.

Data from the tracking site FlightAware show the plane rapidly descended over about 8 minutes from 37,000 feet at 10:07 p.m. to just below 9,000 feet at 10:15 p.m. Pilots will often quickly descend to lower altitudes when there is a concern about the plane’s pressurization.

United Airlines Flight 510 returned safely to Newark Liberty International Airport around 12:25 a.m. ET on Thursday after the crew reported a “pressurization issue,” according to a statement from the Federal Aviation Administration.

The Boeing 777 flight, with 270 passengers and 14 crew members, landed safely and never lost cabin pressure, United Airlines said.

Customers were taken to their destination on another aircraft, United added.


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