Another high-profile incident which Russian investigators pinned on the Ukrainian government was the August assassination of Darya Dugina, whose car was blown up near Moscow. Dugina was a political activist and the daughter of philosopher Aleksandr Dugin, whom Western media have described as a prominent Russian nationalist. Putin mentioned Dugina on Thursday and said that people like the ones who carried out her murder were also responsible for the latest raid. The leader identified them as “neo-Nazis and terrorists” as he praised Russian troops for defending the country from them.
Bryansk Region Governor Aleksandr Bogomaz claimed that “a sabotage-reconnaissance group intruded from Ukraine” earlier in the day and targeted two villages. He said the infiltrators fired at a moving car, killing a local resident.
Source Credibility: The source of this content is RT (, an international news channel that is publicly financed by the Russian Federation. To learn about CorruptionLedger's stance on freedom of speech and press, click here.
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