Category: Misinformation
More money to Ukraine. What’s your government doing for its own citizens?
May 7, 2022. The U.S. government wants $33 billion more for the War in Ukraine and is telling its people that Russia is a threat not only to Ukraine, but to Americans. The enormous aid package is twice the size of a provision approved by Congress last month. It would eclipse all the spending by the United States so far on the war. -NYT, Apr. 28, 2022 How is the U.S. government working for the people who elected it? It’s…
Leak: Supreme Court ready to strike down Roe v. Wade
Leaked PDF: Roe vs Wade Decision A majority of the Supreme Court is prepared to overturn the right to abortion established nearly 50 years ago in Roe v. Wade, according to a leaked draft of the opinion published Monday by Politico. That conclusion seemed a possibility in December when the court considered a Mississippi law that would ban abortions after 15 weeks. But the disclosure Monday by Politico of a draft opinion that it said was circulated by Justice Samuel…
6 Russian oligarchs have died in alleged suicides this year
Two Russian oligarchs were found dead last week, within 48 hours of each other. They were found alongside their families in what investigators are labelling murder-suicides. Since the start of 2022, four other Russia-connected oligarchs have mysteriously died by suicide. Here is a list of the Russian oligarchs who have met a mysterious end in 2022 — so far, as reported by several mainstream sources cited below. 1. Sergey Protosenya [Novatek – natural gas] found hanged outside Spanish villa, bodies…
Russia cuts off gas to Poland and Bulgaria. Who in Europe is next?
Vladimir Putin announced last month that if “unfriendly countries” wanted to continue buying Russian natural gas, they would have to pay in rubles starting April 1. It seems not everyone believed he was serious. Would Russia really turn away profit by refusing payment in other currencies? Apparently so. Many media outlets are calling the move a ‘weaponization’ of the gas supply, though clearly Russia may set its own terms and do as it pleases with its own natural resources, even…
How Civil Wars Start (Barbara F Walter)
American Politician ties with Bin Salman Saudi Family
The most hated cryptocurrency: Why are people flocking to Monero?
Monero, traded as ticker XMR, seems to be the only cryptocurrency able to escape the solid downtrend lately and the approaching hard fork is not the only cause. While it is a definite motivator, there are at least four additional main reasons. The first is obviously the new trend in sanctions. 1. The sanctionsFirst, the west has essentially sanctioned anyone they could get their hands on with suspected ties to Russian oligarchs, including their uncles and children. This year’s US…
Video Documents Mariupol Mass Graves Hoax (Eva Bartlett)
According to Western media, now copy-paste reporting the same claims, Russian forces apparently secretly buried *up to 9,000 Mariupol civilians* in “mass graves” in a town just west of the city. Except, it never happened, there is no mass grave. It’s actually just a normal, small, cemetery…no pits, no mass graves, just an orderly cemetery whose grave diggers refuted Western claims. On April 23, with journalist Roman Kosarev, I went to Mangush (Manhush in Ukrainian), found a normal cemetery setting,…
The sanctions smoke screen: ongoing business partnerships the press missed
You don’t want to call sanctions a hoax because they legitimately put compliance pressure on our businesses and people. But do they put any pressure on the actual targets? It’s part of our news cycle and even our language to think so. After all, what is a “sanction” if not a punishment for breaking the rules? In a move that was presented as severe by the press and by government, the Treasury Department promised sanctions on the Russian Direct Investment…
Pandemic Corruption: McSwane exposes government corruption involving AirBoss and other contractors
From Amy Goodman, Democracy Now – 12 Apr 2022 In Pandemic, Inc.: Chasing the Capitalists and Thieves Who Got Rich While We Got Sick, ProPublica investigative reporter J. David McSwane tracks pandemic federal relief funds and finds many contracts to acquire critical supplies were wrapped up in unprecedented fraud schemes that left the U.S. government with subpar and unusable equipment. He says an array of contractors were “trying to take advantage of our national emergency,” and calls the book “a blueprint…
Monero defies crypto market slump, steals show #XMR #newsSummary
Positive content published on the private Monero / XMR cryptocurrency was once hard to come by, what with all the focus on crime and money laundering. It’s worth noting that Monero is a private currency for regular people who value the fundamental right to privacy. We archived some of the positive sources, as such articles tend to disappear shortly after publishing. Even the Wayback Machine failed to archive one of these. XMR Crypto Prices Spike as Monero Bulls Coordinate Mass…
Ukraine, media falsely report that Jewish Babyn Yar memorial was bombed by Russia
As reported by Times of Israel and X, Ukranian President Zelensky said that “Uman was brutally bombed where hundreds of thousands of Jews come every year to pray,” referring to the Hasidic pilgrimage site in central Ukraine. “Then Babyn Yar, where hundreds of thousands of Jews were executed.” And despite reports, the rocket that damaged the Kyiv TV tower did not in fact harm the Babyn Yar memorial, located in an adjacent area, according to a veteran Israeli journalist, Ron Ben…
Governments ill-Informed on how to Inject Covid-19 Vaccine
Why are governments not requiring this safety precaution, which is easy to implement and has been shown in peer reviewed studies to defend against life-threatening repercussions? The precaution is known as ‘aspiration’ and consists in drawing back on the plunger once the needle has been inserted to see if any blood returns into the syringe, also clearly explained here by Dr. Campbell. If there is blood, do not inject. See Dr. Campbell’s peer reviewed links in the video description, some…