Tag: Region US

INVESTAR, SFGP and other Montreal Cos Linked to Serafino Oliverio

INVESTAR, SFGP and other Montreal Real Estate Companies related to Serafino Oliverio, AKA Sergio Lopez, “considered by police to be the leader of the Montreal Mafia.”

Hong Kong: Arrests under Security Law, a serious concern

The human rights lawyer, who was arrested on 8 September, was a member of the Hong Kong Alliance, an advocacy group which organized an annual candlelight vigil marking the 1989 protests in Tiananmen Square.

Several other activists have been similarly arrested and charged under the National Security Law.

The law came into force at the end of June last year, giving Chinese central authorities greater power and control over all aspects of life in Hong Kong.

“Terrorism and sedition charges are being improperly used to stifle the exercise of fundamental rights, which are protected under international law, including freedom of expression and opinion, freedom of peaceful assembly and the right to participate in public affairs”, the Special Rapporteurs said, urging authorities to refrain from the using the National Security Law and to reconsider its application.

China’s New Law on Countering Foreign Sanctions

On 10 June 2021, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee of the People’s Republic of China passed the Law of the PRC on Countering Foreign Sanctions (the “Anti-Sanctions Law”). The Anti-Sanctions Law establishes a legal regime for the protection of Chinese individuals and entities from what are deemed to be discriminatory foreign sanctions and for implementing countermeasures against such sanctions. Although…

New records show DHS are buying & using cell phone location data

The ACLU published thousands of pages of previously unreleased records showing that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are sidestepping the constitutional right against unreasonable government search and seizure.  DHS has been buying access to and using large volumes of cell phone location information that has been “quietly extracted from smartphone apps” of U.S. citizens and others — using their…

Opioid manufacturer Purdue Pharma: Criminal and Civil Investigations

Today, the Department of Justice announced a global resolution of its criminal and civil investigations into the opioid manufacturer Purdue Pharma LP (Purdue), and a civil resolution of its civil investigation into individual shareholders from the Sackler family.  The resolutions with Purdue are subject to the approval of the bankruptcy court. “The abuse and diversion of prescription opioids has contributed…

The Intercept Discloses Top-Secret NSA Document on Russia Hacking Aimed at US Voting System

On Monday, the Intercept published a classified internal NSA document noting that Russian military intelligence mounted an operation to hack at least one US voting software supplier—which provided software related to voter registration files—in the months prior to last year’s presidential contest. It has previously been reported that Russia attempted to hack into voter registration systems, but this NSA document provides details of how one such operation occurred.

According to the Intercept:

The top-secret National Security Agency document, which was provided anonymously to The Intercept and independently authenticated, analyzes intelligence very recently acquired by the agency about a months-long Russian intelligence cyber effort against elements of the US election and voting infrastructure. The report, dated May 5, 2017, is the most detailed US government account of Russian interference in the election that has yet come to light.

While the document provides a rare window into the NSA’s understanding of the mechanics of Russian hacking, it does not show the underlying “raw” intelligence on which the analysis is based. A US intelligence officer who declined to be identified cautioned against drawing too big a conclusion from the document because a single analysis is not necessarily definitive.

The report indicates that Russian hacking may have penetrated further into US voting systems than was previously understood. It states unequivocally in its summary statement that it was Russian military intelligence, specifically the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU, that conducted the cyber attacks described in the document:

Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate actors … executed cyber espionage operations against a named U.S. company in August 2016, evidently to obtain information on elections-related software and hardware solutions. … The actors likely used data obtained from that operation to … launch a voter registration-themed spear-phishing campaign targeting U.S. local government organizations.

Go read the whole thing.

Scoperte di Barbara Anderson: Italiano

Scoperte di Barbara Anderson

Barbara AndersonBarbara Anderson è stata membro dei Testimoni di Geova dal 1954 al 1997. Ha lavorato presso la sede di Watchtower a Brooklyn, New York, dal 1982 al 1992, dove durante i suoi ultimi tre anni lì, ha studiato la storia ufficiale del movimento ( pubblicato nel 1993 ) e ha fatto ricerche e ha scritto una serie di articoli per il loro risveglio! rivista. Barbara ha condotto ampie ricerche su questioni relative all’abuso sessuale di minori nella religione portando a interviste su importanti programmi televisivi e radiofonici come critico schietto delle politiche di abuso sessuale dei Testimoni di Geova ’.

Un ex testimone di Geova che era testimone oculare dell’inganno
Scelta che altera la vita

Sono nato a Long Island, New York nel 1940 da genitori cattolici polacchi. Quando ero un quattordicenne inesperto e scontento, Ho fatto una scelta che per i successivi quarantaquattro anni della mia vita avrebbe ridotto le mie opportunità di fare delle scelte — Mi sono unito a uno dei gruppi religiosi più aggressivi e controversi, i Testimoni di Geova, che è diventato il centro della mia vita. Ho messo da parte il desiderio del mio cuore, lo studio dell’archeologia, a causa del divieto della religione di istruzione superiore per i loro membri. Quindi, le attività evangelistiche hanno avuto la priorità sull’istruzione. Ho ascoltato le loro regole sulla scelta degli amici, solo i Testimoni di Geova e la scelta di un compagno di matrimonio, solo uno dei Testimoni di Geova.