Category: corporate corruption

Judicial Watch: NIH Records Reveal FBI Inquiry of Wuhan Grant

Jul 17, 2022. Records Show Fauci Agency ‘Gain-of-Function’ Concerns about Wuhan Lab Going Back to 2016 (Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received 1651 pages of records from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) revealing an FBI “inquiry” into the NIH’s controversial bat coronavirus grant tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The records also show National Institute…

Are social media companies employing ex-spies?

June 26, 2022. Are Twitter, TikTok, Facebook and other social media platforms hiring from the FBI, military, NATO, CIA and U.S. State Department? It seems they are. This hiring tendency has not been widely reported in mainstream news because the revelation seems to have originated in an investigation by Russian media sources. Much of the evidence for the claim, however, is publicly verifiable. Here are some examples you can verify for yourself.

Billions Keep Flowing to Afghanistan, State Dept. Blocks Audit to Disclose Where Money is Going

Jun 24, 2022.The U.S. has dropped a ghastly $146 billion on Afghanistan reconstruction in the last two decades and billions more continue to be spent, but the Biden administration is blocking federal auditors from conducting their congressionally mandated job of investigating where the money is going. For months the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has been trying to…

Punished for Exposing War Crimes: U.K. Approves Assange Extradition to U.S., Faces 175 Years

June 17, 2022. In a blow to press freedom, the United Kingdom has approved the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States to face espionage charges related to the publication of classified documents exposing U.S. war crimes. Home Secretary Priti Patel signed off on the transfer after the U.K. Supreme Court denied Assange’s appeals earlier this year,…

Russia cuts off more gas supplies to Europe

2022-06-01. Russia is cutting off more gas supplies to Europe. On Tuesday, the state energy company Gazprom cut off some gas to the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. This came hours after the EU banned most Russian oil imports. (Democracy Now) Denmark Denmark’s largest energy company said Russia cut off its gas supply Wednesday because it refused to pay in rubles,…

War Crimes in Ukraine?

May 27, 2022. A supposedly leaked document that has circulated widely on social networks, allegedly showing that a senior Russian general had instructed Russian soldiers to fabricate evidence of Ukrainian war crimes, appears to be a forgery. The Intercept Russian POWs shot in the leg by Ukrainian forces: Video French media documents war crimes by NATO-backed Ukrainian neo-Nazi militias:…

Disappeared Chris Hedges: Democracy Now. YouTube Deleted 6-Year Archive

May 24, 2022

Germany to face wave of bankruptcies amid inflation and Ukraine sanctions

May 9, 2022. The future of Commerzbank’s business in Russia will depend, among other things, on Russia’s behavior and further sanctions, according to Handelsblatt report. Germany’s Commerzbank is preparing for more businesses to fail in Europe’s biggest economy amid high inflation and economic perils exacerbated by Russia’s war in Ukraine. The lender expects provisions for loan losses to rise as…

EU drops plans to ban shipping Russian oil

May 9, 2022. Brussels has shelved its plans to ban the EU shipping industry from carrying Russian crude as it struggles to push through its latest sanctions package because of anxiety among some member states about the economic impact of the measures. A proposal targeting shipping that was introduced last week has been dropped by the European Commission following hard…

Financial Worries on the rise in the US, Gallup Poll

May 9, 2022. Americans are more likely today than they were a year ago to report being “very” or “moderately worried” about several aspects of their finances, reversing the improvement seen last year. People’s concern has increased in relation to paying monthly bills, maintaining their standard of living, paying rent or mortgage, making minimum payments on credit cards and having…

Clearview AI settlement: Will stop selling facial recognition tool to private firms and continue working with law enforcement

May 9, 2022. Facial recognition company Clearview AI has agreed to stop its sales to private companies in the United States as part of a landmark settlement reining in a technology criticized as threatening Americans’ privacy rights. The settlement, filed Monday in federal court in Illinois, marks the most significant court action yet against Clearview AI, a company known for…

More money to Ukraine. What’s your government doing for its own citizens?

May 7, 2022. The U.S. government wants $33 billion more for the War in Ukraine and is telling its people that Russia is a threat not only to Ukraine, but to Americans. The enormous aid package is twice the size of a provision approved by Congress last month. It would eclipse all the spending by the United States so far…

Data Leak: How Criminals, Officials, and Sanctioned Politicians Poured Money into Dubai Real Estate

May 7, 2022. A new leak of Dubai property data has exposed just how many foreigners have poured their money into apartments and villas there. The data, which dates from 2020, was obtained by the Center for Advanced Defense Studies (C4ADS), a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., that researches international crime and conflict. It was then shared with Norwegian…

Why did Wall Street loan billions to alleged fraudster Bill Hwang?

Bill Hwang secured billions in dollars in financing from leading Wall Street banks with lies that ranged from assurances he could quickly exit his positions to claims he had large holdings of easily traded stocks like Apple and Google, according to US authorities. The banks apparently took Hwang’s words at face value as they entered into leveraged derivatives trades with…

British Virgin Islands premier arrested on drug trafficking charges

The premier of the British Virgin Islands was arrested by US agents on drug trafficking and money laundering charges at an airport in Miami on Thursday, sending shockwaves across the UK-administered Caribbean tax haven. The islands’ governor, John Rankin, confirmed in a statement that Drug Enforcement Administration agents had arrested Andrew Fahie, the elected premier of the BVI, and called…

German authorities raid Deutsche Bank in money laundering investigation

Germany’s federal police office, criminal prosecutors and the country’s financial watchdog BaFin raided Deutsche Bank’s headquarters in Frankfurt on Friday, prosecutors said in a statement. The prosecutors said that a search warrant was issued by Frankfurt’s district court, based on the suspicion that unnamed Deutsche Bank employees may have violated anti-money laundering laws. They declined to give further details. Deutsche…