Author: 5amResearch

Academy Mortgage Corporation to Pay $38.5 Million: False Claims Act Allegations Related to Mortgages Insured by Federal Housing Administration

Thrower alleged that from January 2008 through April 2017, Academy had an underwriting process that led employees to disregard FHA rules and falsely certify compliance with underwriting requirements. Thrower further alleged that, as a result of Academy’s knowingly deficient mortgage underwriting practices, the government paid insurance claims on loans improperly underwritten by Academy.

“Lenders that knowingly cause the government to guarantee loans that are materially deficient put both homeowners and the public fisc at risk,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “The settlement announced today is a result of the relator’s efforts to develop this case in litigation and complements the department’s actions to prevent abuse of government programs designed to foster home ownership.” 

Eight Men Indicted for Securities Fraud Scheme Orchestrated Through Twitter and Discord

A federal grand jury in the Southern District of Texas returned an indictment that was unsealed yesterday charging eight men with conspiracy to commit securities fraud for a long-running, social media-based “pump and dump” scheme. According to court documents, Edward Constantinescu, aka Constantin, 38, of Montgomery, Texas; Perry “PJ” Matlock, 38, of The Woodlands, Texas; John Rybarczyk, 32, of Spring,…

Danske Bank Pleads Guilty to Fraud on U.S. Banks in Multi-Billion Dollar Scheme to Access the U.S. Financial System

Danske Bank A/S (Danske Bank), a global financial institution headquartered in Denmark, pleaded guilty today and agreed to forfeit $2 billion to resolve the United States’ investigation into Danske Bank’s fraud on U.S. banks. According to court documents, Danske Bank defrauded U.S. banks regarding Danske Bank Estonia’s customers and anti-money laundering controls to facilitate access to the U.S. financial system…

Secret Twitter Files on Censorship of Hunter Biden Story

Ripple’s General Counsel Allegedly Blames SEC For BlockFi Bankruptcy

Stuart Alderoty, General Counsel for Ripple, stated in a tweet that BlockFi’s problem is another regulation by-enforcement success story of the SEC. The counsel asserted that the $100 million enforcement fine that the SEC charged BlockFi contributed to the firm’s bankruptcy. He also raised questions about the $270 million loan outstanding and some unknown amounts owed to BlockFi by FTX….

As Sean Hannity’s (Fox News) former director awaits extradition to US for entangled sanctions mess with Russia, Konstantin Malofeyev’s US bank account was just seized

Prosecutors on Wednesday moved to confiscate $5.4 million from a U.S. bank account belonging to Russian businessman Konstantin Malofeyev, who Washington has accused of financing separatists in eastern Ukraine and Crimea and imposed sanctions on him. (Reuters) Konstantin Malofeyev is the founder of Tsargrad TV, and has been reported in western media to be a regular “consultant” to the Kremlin….

Leader of Oath Keepers and Oath Keepers Member Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy and Other Charges Related to U.S. Capitol Breach

Elmer Stewart Rhodes III, the founder and leader of the Oath Keepers, and Kelly Meggs, the leader of the Florida chapter of the organization, were found guilty by a jury today of seditious conspiracy and other charges for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Their actions disrupted a joint session of the U.S….

U.S. Complaint Agreement on Jackson, Mississippi Interim Solution to Water Crisis

Today, the United States filed a proposal in federal court that — if approved by the court — would appoint an Interim Third Party Manager to stabilize the city of Jackson, Mississippi’s public drinking water system, and build confidence in the system’s ability to supply safe drinking water to the system’s customers. The city and the Mississippi State Department of…

WHO, YouTube and funding: Will Dr. Campbell switch to Rumble to avoid censorship?

Dr. John Campbell, long-time WHO employee and Ph.D. health expert, struggles to explain current funding biases in relation to the Gates Foundation and censorship on Google’s Youtube platform, as well as the larger global issue of silencing sound medical advice in response to financial interests and government pressure.

Students Misled by Saint James Medical School’s Deceptive Marketing Claims

The Federal Trade Commission is sending payments totaling more than $830,300 to 1,376 people who began their enrollment at Saint James School of Medicine between Fall 2016 and Summer 2021. The for-profit medical school in the Caribbean and its Illinois-based operators allegedly misled prospective students about their chances of success—both in passing a medical school standardized test and in matching…

California Acts to Stop Ygrene Energy Fund from Deceiving Consumers About PACE Financing, Placing Liens on Homes Without Consumer Consent

The Federal Trade Commission and State of California are taking action against home improvement financing provider Ygrene Energy Fund Inc. for deceiving consumers about the potential financial impact of its financing, and for unfairly recording liens on consumers’ homes without their consent. The FTC and California allege that Ygrene and its contractors falsely told consumers that the financing wouldn’t interfere with…

Sanctions on anti-war, Ukrainian individuals? Alex Ozhelskiy and Mikhail Fridman

Alexander Ozhelskiy, 22, son of Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman, posted a video address in which he says that he does not support the war in Ukraine and thinks the sanctions against him are unfair. Alexander states that he has participated in “pro-Ukrainian protests”. Ozhelskiy is the co-founder and general director of Esef Direct Investments LLC, as well as a co-founder…

Leaked: Unintentional whistleblower Berlusconi tells “true story” of the Russia/Ukraine “massacre”

Ukraine throws damns this treaty to hell [less dramatic translation: violates the treaty] a year later, and begins attacking the borders of the two republics…Desperate, the two republics send a delegation to Moscow and finally manage to talk to Putin.

16 Wall Street Firms admit to Recordkeeping Failures, agree to pay $1.1 billion in penalties

The SEC charged 15 broker-dealers and one affiliated investment adviser for widespread and longstanding failures by the firms and their employees to maintain and preserve electronic communications. The firms admitted the facts set forth in their respective SEC orders, acknowledged that their conduct violated recordkeeping provisions of the federal securities laws. The following eight firms (and five affiliates) have agreed…

Oracle Turkey, UAE and India Foreign Bribery Charges Settlement with SEC

Oracle Corporation settled charges with the SEC after allegedly violating provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Oracle subsidiaries in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and India were said to have created and used slush funds to bribe foreign officials in return for business between 2016 and 2019. Oracle agreed to cease and desist from committing violations of…

Central African Republic: Said trial opens at International Criminal Court

Mahamat Said Abdel Kani – a top-ranking leader of the mostly-Muslim Séléka militia – pleaded not guilty to all charges, which relate to atrocities carried out in 2013, in the Central African Republic capital, Bangui. Much of the violence stemmed for clashes between Séléka and the mostly-Christian Anti-balaka faction. Occupation Before the crimes were committed, from late 2012 to early…